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scorpio Scorpio
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate October 24 to November 2 Fundamentals

Don’t underestimate the pleasure of a candlelit evening or breakfast in bed. Spending disproportionate amounts of money on luxury items does not always result in the corresponding amount of pleasure. A journey to the countryside helps you find what you need, reminding you of what’s important in life and what’s good for your body and soul.

Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Appreciated

Those close to you appreciate that you’re so full of the joys of living and as a result, they love being with you more because of it. You create a convivial atmosphere everyone can enjoy, especially in your personal life, others return the affection you show. Good organization of sensible eating habits and exercise boost your health and well-being.

Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 Social contacts

You’re in a friendly and sociable mood and don’t feel much like working at all. If you can, you need to spend time with other people. Sporting activities are beneficial for happiness and well-being and provide a boost to your personal life. Additionally, you find it more motivating to exercise in a group – it makes sense and is more fun.