Be prepared to face new challenges, particularly at work, where initially you're unlikely to make a great deal of progress. Don't be daunted by this, such phases come and go. In your personal life, too you lack any fresh stimulus. You feel as if relations with those close to you are stale. Break free from existing routines and organize something unusual.
Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 StressedThe stress you feel is partly your own doing, by asking too much of yourself, things become even tougher; and once in a bad mood, nothing gets done despite all your efforts. If in turn, you expect too much from those close to you, you might become irritated. However, this doesn’t solve the problem, instead, take time out to reflect.
Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 Increased concentrationYou concentrate on several things at once, planning your working day and making progress in the way you direct your energy towards a single goal. This gives you the stamina and perseverance you need to get things underway. Try to win other people over - by doing so you reach your goal even more quickly. Those around you are impressed by your effort.