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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate August 24 to September 3 Composure

You display an air of confidence and composure. People want to go along with what you say, and it is easy for you to resolve any difficult issues as they arise. Try your hand at something new. You are likely to be pleasantly surprised and enjoy having an experience that is a forerunner to future success.

Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Control

It is difficult to keep your feelings under control and entirely possible tha they surface uncontrollably. Make sure you don’t give in to impulse and inappropriately show your anger. Otherwise, you end up aggravating those close to you and anyone else you encounter. Try to find some balance and composure and be more understanding of other people’s feelings.

Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 Excessive dreamer

Unrealistic dreams occupy your mind. Avoid taking risks that undermine what you have already achieved. It is entirely possible that your dreams stem from a feeling of dissatisfaction. You must concentrate on discovering the reason why you feel so dissatisfied and allow yourself some time and space for some soul searching, to get to the root of any problems.