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virgo Virgo
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate August 24 to September 3 Feeling Tense

You are feeling unusually tense, and it is unwise to speculate as to the reason why. Instead, accept it is just the way you feel. You should not take any differences of opinion too seriously. If you say something wrong, apologize, people are likely to forgive you, everyone knows bad moods pass as quickly as they come.

Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Develop Talents

You consider the people close to you, especially when dealing with important matters. When you use your talent this way, it’s unlikely to go wrong, and you reach an amicable settlement. When you want to make new friends, or build relationships of a more intimate nature; your relaxed and easy manner enables you to reach out to others.

Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 New start

There are many opportunities for entirely new developments. If you take the ideas of colleague and friends seriously, you’re able to draw on original solutions from the suggestions they make. Changes abound in your personal life too, welcome new people with open arms, you notice friendships develop which add much to connections you have already.