You may feel deeply dissatisfied. The way you react is unnerving for others and makes them despair of you, while you’re oblivious to the effect you’re having on them. Try to slow down and think about things carefully before acting so hastily. Any hurried approach results in mistakes, the consequences of which you must painstakingly sort out later.
Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 UncontrollableWhen you use your irrepressible drive, it’s easy to get your way without much consideration for the welfare of people who are reliant on you. Your energy and enthusiasm manifest as bouts of arrogance and aggression, and you need to be far more cooperative, avoid any needless confrontations or disputes and be of extra help towards those people in need of support.
Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 AcceptanceEverybody is friendly and accommodating, you're well received by the people you encounter. On the romantic front others are attracted to you, don't let this go to your head otherwise any goodwill soon disappears. Instead treat others the same way as they treat you and show them you really are the person they thought you were when they first met you.