In heated discussions, you remain calm and diplomatic; you’re able to moderate successfully between different factions. Your talent for communicating comes in handy in your personal life where any bottled-up conflicts with loved ones can finally be settled. It’s appropriate you end unproductive relationships and review your circle of friends and associates.
Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 React CalmlyYou must react calmly to any gibes or provocation from the people you know. If you feel deceived, be careful in whom you confide. You tend to weigh each word too carefully and overreact to the slightest criticism. You should deal only with those who don't take your mood too seriously and know how to handle it. Resting will make you feel better.
Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 EnthusiasmYour energetic ways are admired and inspirational for others who appreciate your forthright attitude. They are attracted to your responsive approach in dealing with sensitive matters. Ease up on your recreational activities, don't see everything as a competition instead keep energy in reserve for when there are more difficult hurdles to overcome.