You can show others what you’re capable of; your magnetic personality is well-suited for teamwork. What is it you’re waiting for? You don't know how long this is likely to last. Regarding health, you feel completely satisfied and at ease. The balance of body and mind helps you to influence those around you positively. Joint ventures with friends are appropriate.
Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 Dangerous directnessYou need to insure you’re not so forceful when you demand to get your own way. Not only in your personal life but at work as well you sometimes take advantage of situations to make progress at the others expense, leading to arguments that it’s far preferable to avoid, what you say lands you in trouble, hold back instead try harder not to cause offence.
Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 Promising conductFull of good intentions, circumstances are ideal for any activities involving your friends, who find you especially pleasant company. You’re making a good impression on almost everyone you meet, including the more influential acquaintances in your circle. If you want to talk about something with anyone of them you can do so without hesitancy.