The confidence you display makes people more amenable to your suggestions. Such blunt honesty may lead to arguments, but if you maintain your flexibility, you easily sort out any misunderstandings. Take some time out to look at your overall approach, to think about what it is you need, and become more aware of your physical and mental processes.
Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 Inner tensionYou feel continually wound up and restless, people find you excitable and tense, channel this excess energy into useful activity instead of letting yourself be a victim of circumstance, make a definite plan you resolutely follow through with. If this difficult focus your mind, apply yourself, do concentration exercises to help you keep and maintain a clear head.
Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 Being OpenYou tell people exactly what’s on your mind and respond in a positive way to their opinions. They may also seek your advice, which enables you to rise to the challenge, and understand why it's necessary to strengthen your relationships and bring them to a new level. As a result, you gain the respect of those in whom you choose to confide.