Feeling at ease, you're confident and display an inner calmness. As well as being energetic and full of enthusiasm, your outward composure impresses those around you who feel very comfortable in your presence. Your self-assurance and passion for life, allows both contemporaries and friends to confide in you and seek your advice about important issues.
Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 No luckYou have trouble concentrating on everyday responsibilities. Even though it's difficult to motivate yourself, don't become too dejected when things fail to turnout as you expect. If you do your best, you’re likely to have some limited success but don't expect too much. When you recover your composure, you’re more confident things improve greatly.
Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 Talk to othersRelaxed and talkative, you turn your attention to improving your relationships. It’s easy to reduce any tensions previously built up between you with a quiet, heartfelt conversation that reassures the people concerned, they understand the considerable pressure you’ve been under, and as a result, your feelings deepen and become more gratifying and fun.