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aquarius Aquarius
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate January 21 to January 30 Open to new things

Extremely busy, a trip is fast approaching which needs to be properly organized. Prepare for the whole thing not going according to plan or running quite as smoothly as you expect. Remain flexible, open to the vagaries of chance, it’s easy then for you to react quickly to any new circumstances that arise, and everyone appreciates your effort to stay on track.

Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 Differences among friends

You have differences with your friends. Before you worry too much, bear in mind the extent of the differences. It’s only a bit of a squabble that cannot threaten a solid friendship. Don't take it too seriously but do say you’re sorry if you said something that you now regret. When those affected understand that you regret what you said, they can forgive you.

Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 Ill Feeling

Out of sorts and prone to being easily disheartened or something of that ilk, you don't feel in particularly good shape. Do anything you can to improve the way you feel, maybe by taking a break and ridding yourself of as much stress as possible. Get home early, prepare yourself a good meal, preferably with friends or family, to regain your composure.