You’re attentive, and know how important it is to express your thoughts clearly. Your wide-ranging capabilities mean you impress others with your clarity of thought and skilled negotiations. Taking the opinions of others into account helps you eventually arrive at the correct solution in most discussions you undertake.
Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 Clear mindThere is an improvement in your ability to think things through, helping you cope with difficult conversations or making plans. Where possible, let your opinions be known and take full advantage of situations where you can readily appreciate, understand and learn things. You can make progress in classes or a language course.
Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 Inner tensionsAccomplishing such a lot, make sure what you do achieve is appreciated by those around you. Don't allow the inner tension you feel to unnecessarily antagonize or disrupt the normal way you interact with those people close to you. If you’re too antagonistic or moody, inevitably this leads to complications especially with your partner if you have one.