You are remarkably relaxed and physically fit, make sure this good feeling continues to last. While your diplomacy prevails, put some effort into clearing up any prior misunderstandings, whether at home or work. Don’t hold back; you are quite capable of interceding in other people’s arguments if you want to help resolve their issues too.
Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 Fiery atmosphereYou’re particularly attractive to others you meet. However, this doesn't bode well if as much as you feel like doing so, you flirt inappropriately. Singles do better when they limit their search for new people to their leisure time; the right person could be just around the corner. If living with a partner, their needs come first, show them there is no reason to be jealous.
Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 SuperficialBeing as you are, so fixated on superficial cosmetic appearance, it’s difficult for you to focus on matters that are of far more importance and to substantiate what these might be or indeed mean to you - you’ve trouble getting to the root of anything! Better to postpone important decisions and concentrate instead on having a good time.