You reach a highpoint that enables you to recognize connections and understand things you previously found difficult to resolve. This can feel stressful, often undesirable, or else you can make positive use of events, by bringing yourself a step nearer your goals. In any case, physical action helps calm your mind.
Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 Motivated to learnYour grasp of situations noticeably improves. You enjoy getting to grips with topics which stimulate your mind and test your mental agility. You feel motivated to find out more about a subject, which has long been of interest, but after satisfying your initial curiosity you still want to carry on exploring every facet available to you.
Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 Efficiency of the mindYou are efficient at learning something new, organizing or using existing information, however, your mental capabilities easily get overloaded and leave you feeling more nervous and harassed than normal. If you recognize the signs, find time to relax by yourself, do some recreational activity, get some air or meditate.