Your readiness to talk strengthens your relationships, helping to cement and develop the interaction you enjoy between you. Enjoying chats with colleagues is a good thing just if you don't neglect tasks you have and fall out with the wrong people. Use your time constructively; keep on good terms with the people who are important to you.
Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 Making DecisionsYou take notice of your instincts and finally come to a decision you have avoided up until now. Paying attention to your true feelings you intuitively do what you know you must do, to pursue your ideas. Your vitality provides a perfect platform for new plans and helps you make maximum use of your abilities.
Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 ResourcefulYou prefer to relax at home and practice developing your creative skills, even if you are not sure you have any inventive talent, you’re more imaginative than you realize. Don't be too extravagant with your energy or money. Lazing around is good for the soul but bad for your bank account. Take pleasure in free things – like a walk in the park.