Faced with a lot of problems, you need to deal with them methodically, one by one, otherwise difficulties only continue to mount. Come up with a strategy for dealing with work related and personal issues without using up all your energy. Don't spend precious time pondering what to do; every day that passes is a day lost. It’s time to confront matters head-on!
Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 ChallengesYou encounter challenges with which you must contend. Maybe this is because someone is working against you or simply knocks you off balance just by being there. But you must deal with these challenges and show due consideration that such hindrances demand, otherwise they can easily affect your life adversely if you don't deal with them.
Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Ideas and attentivenessYou’ve good ideas that you formulate clearly in a way that others easily understand. At work, you’re effective and more attentive than usual. You use your talents to focus on making progress, gradually you realize you’re able to behave appropriately, especially in negotiations; you define your interests and strengthen your position.