You feel continually wound up and restless, people find you excitable and tense, channel this excess energy into useful activity instead of letting yourself be a victim of circumstance, make a definite plan you resolutely follow through with. If this difficult focus your mind, apply yourself, do concentration exercises to help you keep and maintain a clear head.
Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 MisunderstandingsIt's not what you say but the way that you say it. You're involved in all kinds of talks and must respond appropriately. Even when you feel like speaking the truth or your honest opinion is asked for, choose the words carefully. Conclusions you arrive at are brutally honest and extremely cutting. Avoid acting this way, and conduct conversations diplomatically.
Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Differences of opinionDon’t be surprised if the simplest of conversations lead to misunderstandings. This isn't necessarily your fault, there's possibly something wrong, so try again later. Or indeed if it is your fault and you're being far too obstinate that people are forced to contradict you, rein in your ego somewhat, then others talk to you and respond in a more customary way.