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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate June 22 to July 2 Tense Anxiety

Your usual calmness his disrupted, and it’s difficult for you to concentrate. Feeling tense, try to relax, and allow yourself plenty of time - even routine tasks take longer than usual. Your anxiety surprises others and not in a positive way. So, you must not try to hide the way you feel but talk to them about any concerns you may have.

Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 More restraint

With frazzled nerves on edge, you’re inexplicably keen to communicate your ideas and inclined to put forward your point of view too forcefully, which is construed as self-catered, egotistic conduct. Instead make a concerted effort to show sensitivity and respect, listen to what others say, you’re far more likely to feel less anxious and appreciated again.

Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Taking advantage

Full of energy, you’re able to deal with important issues. Your clear thinking helps you successfully bring a certain situation to a close. You even resolve issues in your personal life; any concerns are much clearer. Consequently,,you’re able to face up to any difficulties you’ve avoided and now receive a positive response to the way you handle everything.