It’s difficult to unwind, and your restless conduct has a negative effect on the people around you. Don't take out your resentment on your loved ones, but try to overcome it. Pay some attention to your fitness and well-being, if you feel tense, and rather anxious - a relaxing massage or long session in the sauna can work wonders, and you’re your old self again.
Second Decanate January 1st to January 10 Bad MoodThings aren't going as well as they might, your perpetual bad mood frequently upsets the people you love most, as well as friends and relations. Make sure you don’t put good friendships at risk and apologize to others when you hurt their feelings. Constant arguments adversely affect your well-being, healthy foods help strengthen your immune system.
Third Decanate January 11 to Jaunary 20 OptimismYou feel completely at ease with yourself and with the things you do. Others notice this, and it rubs off on those close to you. Use opportunities you have to connect with like-minded individuals and combine your plans with the suggestions they make with new concentrated optimism. Whatever it is that seemed unattainable before appears totally within reach.