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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate December 22 to December 31 Testing time

Be prepared to face new challenges, particularly at work, where initially you're unlikely to make a great deal of progress. Don't be daunted by this, such phases come and go. In your personal life, too you lack any fresh stimulus. You feel as if relations with those close to you are stale. Break free from existing routines and organize something unusual.

Second Decanate January 1st to January 10 Desire for renewal

You long for a "breath of fresh air" to liven things up. It's best to start by doing simple things that don’t place too many demands on yourself. Otherwise, you end up taking on more than you can handle, rather than make improvements to your daily routine. Appering to be restless, don't overstep the mark and end up doing something you later regret.

Third Decanate January 11 to Jaunary 20 Heavy load

Faced with a lot of problems, you need to deal with them methodically, one by one, otherwise difficulties only continue to mount. Come up with a strategy for dealing with work related and personal issues without using up all your energy. Don't spend precious time pondering what to do; every day that passes is a day lost. It’s time to confront matters head-on!