Forgetful, suffering from nerves, it’s preferable to keep yourself active but stay calm, relaxed and dispel any worries. If you’re a calm person anyway you notice how animated you feel and bemused at the misunderstandings that seemingly occur, if this is the case, it’s useful in assisting you to remain as focused and determined as you possibly can be.
Second Decanate January 1st to January 10 Overcome obstaclesComplications which have been in the offing for quite some time are becoming ever clearer, and you aren’t able to put off dealing with them for much longer. Tackle these challenges as soon as possible, even if this is difficult for you. The longer you ignore them, the more likely it is they are going to overwhelm you and the harder it is to deal with the result.
Third Decanate January 11 to Jaunary 20 Unexpected helpEveryone you meet means well; thanks to your friendly and obliging conduct, you continue to receive the help you need. You may even be astonished by the sudden support you get from an unexpected source. Accept such help and use it as a starting point for new friendships, which you find extremely reassuring, and increases your sphere of influence.