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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate May 21 to May 31 Unexpected Changes

Using your improvisational skill is testing, as you make unexpected changes to plans, you have already set in motion, and may now have to discard altogether. Be patient, see this as an opportunity to show how flexible you can be. Often, unanticipated events that bring change are positive, and a source of inspiration.

Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Unsettled times ahead

You seem to be facing insurmountable problems. Don't despair, change your approach and the solution quickly becomes clear. Don't be afraid to ask for advice. Your personal life is rather erratic, with unexpected twists and turns needing to be dealt with calmly. Relax more, take a break from responsibilities, enjoy some 'me' time or a relaxing soak in the bath.

Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 Dissatisfaction

Nothing seems to be going quite as well as you expect, if you change your approach, you find approval more readily available and the opinions of others helpful. In your personal life, you’re confronted by all kinds of difficulties and need to be clear about where you stand in the circumstances. Think about your lifestyle too, don't be too tough on yourself.