Make plans, but remain open to guidance and suggestions which others make. Eventually, you can add the finishing touches as required. Shared activities or trips could help to expand your horizons and help make new contacts. Don't be shy of confrontation, or rebuff constructive criticism. Otherwise, any exchange of views is a waste of time.
Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Unfamiliar TerritoryYou can apply yourself well, be more adventurous, and adaptable, even develop new skills. If you have avoided collaborating with others before, offer your support and share your expertise. People and friends who value your enthusiasm, are keen to lend a hand, finding your new-found energy inspiring.
Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 Personal HappinessYou feel self-assured and confident, as a result, you may be given the responsibility of other important tasks that keep you occupied. You must be careful not to neglect the close relationships that help you maintain your positive outlook, they are important and contribute to your overall welfare and happiness.