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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate May 21 to May 31 Enthusiasm

Contemplate new challenges and plans, if you show considerable interest in these, you encourage new friendships. In your personal life too, people turn to you for advice. It’s vitally important to show everyone how enthusiastic you are. When you react positively, brilliant new friendships result. Recreational activity helps get rid of pent-up feelings.

Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Expect less

With the time, you have at your disposal; it’s almost impossible to do all the things you have promised to do. Slow down a little. Otherwise, you create even more work for others. Additionally, in your relationships, your expectations are too high. Rethink any unrealistic ambitions and make your plans known if you want to avoid any confusion or argument.

Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 Stick to your word

It’s important that you keep your promises. Otherwise, difficulties arise from your unpredictability which has a knock-on effect. People close to you get upset, and those you work with feel let down. Reconsider your feelings towards others and don't make any important decisions, instead take some time for yourself to discover why you feel the way you do.