Unsure of what you want to accomplish, you’re reluctant to make any commitments. Normally others appreciate you for your thoughtfulness, but you seem unable to cope with your tense feelings. As a result, those around you are wary of what you might say or do. Try to relax to keep your restless thoughts at bay.
Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 A sense of wellbeingFeeling particularly well, those you meet, who are aware of your intensions are sympathetically inclined towards you. As a result, you’re more likely than not to encounter very little resistance to any of your ideas. You’re popular, others find you attractive and any approaches you make towards them for consideration are also likely to meet with success.
Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 Happy go-luckyYou cooperate with people, others are drawn towards the positive things you have to say, and you find having such an optimistic outlook has the effect of cementing your friendships and making them even stronger than before. Possessing such positive energy helps you meet people and if you’re already attached you get on especially well with your partner.