Your poise and patience lead to pleasant outcomes in your dealings with other people. You feel it necessary to convey composure to them, and consequently, you’re a sought-after go-between. Try to clear up as many misunderstandings as your diplomatic manner allows. However, don't blame yourself if people carry on arguing. Not all are as calm as you.
Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Maintain ComposureIn your relationships, try not to be so forceful, be careful not to act inappropriately. Give some careful thought to your conduct, as accommodating others is not easy for you. Do not expect so much of yourself or your body. Make wiser choices, for example, Yoga instead of jogging, meditation instead of endless exercise.
Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 Restless energyFeeling restless and unable to focus clearly on the task at hand, it’s extremely difficult to clarify your thoughts in terms of what you’re feeling. Don’t be too influenced by someone you encounter from a different background to that of your own, who has a rather unusual effect on you, it’s just a passing phase and unlikely to last any length of time.