Make a concerted effort to begin certain things you've long been interested in. If necessary, seek permission to get your ideas underway and don't be afraid to address those less frequently discussed personal issues. With the support you get from others, you feel more motivated to make those important first steps. To unwind, do some hard-physical exercise.
Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 Openness and efficiencyIncredibly efficient, the way you approach things prompts the total respect and admiration of the people you care about most. The directness you display attracts new friends, it’s never been this easy for you to meet people so don't waste this unique opportunity. If you are single interesting people find your attitude appealing and difficult for them to resist.
Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 Irritability and AggressionYou are likely to feel more aggressive and irritable than usual. You overreact to the slightest thing. Such an offhand manner might get you into trouble with others you encounter, so it’s important to exercise plenty of caution. The same is true in your personal life. Let off some steam by doing sports or any suitable physical activity, on your own if possible.