Pleasant, composed and generous in your dealings with others, be careful when striving to be as fair-minded as possible, that you don’t concede too much ground and later regret it. Your diplomatic approach wins out in the end, and others learn to appreciate and respect the way you conduct yourself, and they repay your generosity.
Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 Increased concentrationYou concentrate on several things at once, planning your working day and making progress in the way you direct your energy towards a single goal. This gives you the stamina and perseverance you need to get things underway. Try to win other people over - by doing so you reach your goal even more quickly. Those around you are impressed by your effort.
Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 ChallengesYou encounter challenges with which you must contend. Maybe this is because someone is working against you or simply knocks you off balance just by being there. But you must deal with these challenges and show due consideration that such hindrances demand, otherwise they can easily affect your life adversely if you don't deal with them.