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leo Leo
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate July 23 to August 2 Differences

Things aren't going well for you, if disagreeing with people, you continually make yourself appear foolish. Be careful, since you tend to make mistakes and need to be especially attentive in your personal life. Your changing moods don't go down well with those who you are close to, the smallest misunderstanding with your partner, can easily lead to an argument.

Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 Driving force

You’re focused on your ideas and express them clearly, others compliment you on your ability to comprehend and evaluate the situation. Let them share your enthusiasm, involve them in your deliberations and remain the driving force. In your personal life, pay attention to an emerging interest that’s of growing concern to you, don’t ignore it any longer!

Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 React Reasonably

If You feel misunderstood by others, don’t respond aggressively, but take it easy. Despite your high level of commitment, you may experience some tension, act calmly and put things off until the atmosphere improves and appears less difficult. Exercise is always beneficial for relieving tension and is the best thing you can do now.