You’re extremely agreeable and natural in the way you interact with others, and enjoy cooperating with them, feeling far less inhibited in social situations than you might ordinarily be. Making the most of any opportunities could turn out beneficially for you and be of immense importance, bringing you lasting future happiness.
Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 Out-of-dateYou find outmoded conditions a bit of a challenge and circumvent the problems they throw up in the best way you can. Improved conversational skills get your point of view across and help you implement any necessary changes in a simple way. You develop new strategies to permanently solve issues, and take advantage of a departure from the accepted norm.
Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 Make friendsYou feel balanced and relaxed; your good mood is infectious, and there isn't anything that is likely to get you down or prevent you from being in such a good mood. Approach others and develop your friendships further. Use this mood to strengthen existing relationships as well, or as a reason to get back in contact with people, you have neglected recently.