You make sense of complicated issues and use your perceptive mind to solve any difficult problems or to clarify plans you have for the future. Your welcoming attitude increases your popularity and makes it far easier for you to engage in conversations with likeminded people and perhaps even benefit from the development of a promising new partnership.
Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 Life's temptationsThe discipline which work is likely to force upon you is helpful and prevents you from becoming distracted by the various temptations life often places in your path. If you give into all your desires and cravings, you regret it, either because of your wastefulness with money or the personal consequences resulting from your own rather wicked ways.
Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 Fascination with the unusualYou question long standing friendships. Fascination with the mysterious is something you’re unavoidably attracted to. You discover whatever it is you find so appealing is exactly what you crave and makes you feel like you’ve never felt before. Don't break away from existing relationships without consideration of the fact that they are based on trust built up over years.