Combining clever observation and your common sense allows you to evaluate all aspects of any problems. You’re able to rely on your intuition to competently deal with complications without help and personal problems are easily resolved. With increased awareness and sensitivity, you stay in tune with your body, quickly reacting to any obvious health issues.
Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 New directionYou feel a strong urge to relinquish the past and head in a new direction. You effectively communicate your ideas to others who seem more than willing to go along with your plans. Certain people however need further encouragement in order to be convinced, and the conversations you have help you with your deliberations and resolve outstanding issues.
Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 Feeling TenseYou are feeling unusually tense, and it is unwise to speculate as to the reason why. Instead, accept it is just the way you feel. You should not take any differences of opinion too seriously. If you say something wrong, apologize, people are likely to forgive you, everyone knows bad moods pass as quickly as they come.