It’s hard to take on activities you find too taxing. Instead, you prefer to take the chance to try to enjoy life. Some think you’re lazy and unmotivated, despite recently completing some demanding tasks. Any discussion is unproductive, inappropriate, and of no benefit, so don’t be unduly concerned, just promise to cheer up.
Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 Restless timesYour exuberance tends to wear you down, instead of as you might expect to propel you forward. If you don’t repress this urge, you don’t get very far. Your irritable nature causes you to make inappropriate decisions and leads to arguments with almost everyone you meet. Try to withstand these pressures until this restless phase has passed.
Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 Inner TensionYou find it difficult to explain why you feel so tense and restless. Try and avoid letting the way you feel affect the people around you and thereby causing, even more, tension to develop. Don’t make any rash decisions and mistakes. Instead think carefully about what you must do to placate those around you.