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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate September 24 to October 3 Being right

It seems you're able to see everything clearly and feel confident about the positions you take. The problem is others do not share your point of view and think they are right! It is important not to forget there are no truths that aren’t unbiased truths. Let the others talk without automatically taking the opposite position, avoid unnecessary difficulties.

Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 Frustration

Don't be surprised by the continual frustration you feel, instead listen to signals from your body and make sure you take proper care of it. Above all don't take out the frustration you feel on the people closest to you, in fact, they’re only trying to do their best to assist you, so avoid any unnecessary disputes, and as time passes, you feel happier, far more relaxed.

Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 Destructive energy

A rather unhelpful attitude is difficult for you to keep in check, don’t lose complete control or let the situation escalate into an aggressive confrontation, it’s likely what you encounter is considerably more powerful than you! Maintain calm and avoid conflicts until you’re in more control of your emotions, as any serious disagreements are difficult to put right.