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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate September 24 to October 3 Contradiction

Often contradicted, you automatically tend towards opposing the views that others take. Avoid needless drawn out debates, hold yourself back a bit and let the opinions of others prevail. Consider, who wins in the end may not really be important. The effects of a full-on confrontation are far more unpleasant than letting someone else be right!

Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 A pleasant occasion

You’re likely to be on the receiving end of good news, a gift or invitation and may even receive news of achievement regarding one or other of the activities you’re involved in. Feeling good, an ideal opportunity exists to try regarding an area of accountability that turns out to be well worth your while, a chance for unexpected success!

Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 A new challenge

Everything seems easier and you achieve things you really thought were not possible before. You need to use this period constructively, dare to take on an exciting new project, perhaps one that previously you have not much relevant experience with. You discover talents and abilities you have are effective, that you’re able to use to your advantage.