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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate September 24 to October 3 Emotional conversations

Unfortunately, the outcomes of very intense communications you’re involved in aren’t likely to be at all that positive. Protagonists can very easily stray from the topic at hand and get personal and unnecessarily hurtful. If you notice a discussion is degenerating like this, take a passive role, otherwise you get hurt, or may even upset others with what you say.

Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 Negative conversations

You feel you’re being unfairly criticized or alternatively blame someone else without thinking first. Whatever is the case, you’re more antagonistic than usual, which if you’re not careful easily gets out of hand. Approach subjects as calmly as possible, avoid discussing sensitive topics, if you get in this sort of situation, retreat from the conversation.

Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 New energy

Feeling really energetic, ready to take on any task, it may be that you’ve finally relinquished any doubts and feel completely positive. Whatever the case you have a lot of interesting ideas you feel totally ready to pursue, you're raring to go and enthusiastic about being in such a promising position to accomplish your ideas and desires.