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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate February 20 to March 1st Convivial atmosphere

Allow events to unfold in such a way as to leave you plenty of time to concentrate on really important issues and deal with any pressing new developments. The welcoming atmosphere that prevails makes you feel rejuvenated. Openings arise for you to enhance personal relationships and enjoy some special shared moment’s that put a smile on your face.

Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 Coping with pressure

Unusually calm even under the greatest pressure, you're not fazed by deadlines, on the contrary, the more you have to do, the more efficient you are. A sense of satisfaction benefits personal relationships, your head is clear, and you have time for your partner. Find out how you can include relaxation techniques to help you stay this way as long as possible.

Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 Appreciated

Those close to you appreciate that you’re so full of the joys of living and as a result, they love being with you more because of it. You create a convivial atmosphere everyone can enjoy, especially in your personal life, others return the affection you show. Good organization of sensible eating habits and exercise boost your health and well-being.