Faced with a variety of ideas to help you progress or make your everyday life easier, make sure you don’t needlessly get overwhelmed with the diversity of opportunities, instead concentrate on one thought you’re able to put into practice. Note down any other ideas and come back to them later when fresh objectives are limited and not easy to find.
Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 AcceptanceEverybody is friendly and accommodating, you're well received by the people you encounter. On the romantic front others are attracted to you, don't let this go to your head otherwise any goodwill soon disappears. Instead treat others the same way as they treat you and show them you really are the person they thought you were when they first met you.
Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 Realize dreamsA long-cherished dream is awakening and is waiting for you to make your plans a concrete reality. It’s important you take the chances you need to make this dream come true and change your life in a long-lasting and positive way. Those relatives and friends you care about most react positively to these changes and support you in your actions all the way.