Circumstances dictate that if any arguments arise, you must offer to mediate. Your composure together with your sober outlook makes you an ideal person to defuse tense situations. Use this self-control in handling your relationships too and give special attention to loved ones you may have neglected recently. Take care not to overdo things physically.
Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 GregariousYou want to be with others and take part in activities with them, or organize something and enjoy the feeling you get of togetherness. You might be keen to make new friends and don't have to wait too long, because others find the way you behave captivating. Enjoy the attention you receive and let yourself be stimulated and inspired by the people you meet.
Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 AppeasementYou possess the ability to mediate in conflicts and to clear up misunderstandings. Whether they're your own problems or your friends, you have enough understanding and patience to listen to everybody and find the ideal compromise for all those involved, from whatever side. Should anyone be left out, your warmth and understanding helps console them.