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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate February 20 to March 1st No Chance of Boredom

There are plenty of opportunities to inject new life into the relationships you share with others. Stimulating ideas increase your knowledge and capabilities, while your enthusiasm helps clear up previous misunderstandings. Your lively curiosity positively affects all aspects of your life, any activity, discussion or journey turns out well.

Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 Extra Emotional

You find it difficult to understand why you feel so moody, finding fault with everyone and anything except yourself. If you don’t accept responsibility; you are likely to undermine any relationships you have with those close to you. As a compromise, seek out a quiet place and try to release all the tension.

Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 Resolute

Remaining firm, you’re able to accomplish and make a reality your long held secret desires. The outcome is successful if you dare to put your ideas into action. In this way, you shape your life more positively in the long term. Those closest to you are supportive, don't get distracted by them or lose sight of your own goals, always be persistent.