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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate February 20 to March 1st On edge

Your nerves are on edge, it’s imperative you put a stop to your impulsive conduct, or you’re likely to get into trouble. Your overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction leads you to demonstrate your displeasure. Take the time and let off steam by performing some recreational activities. This has a calming effect and lets you to view things in a more relaxed way.

Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 Irritated mood

You’re somewhat temperamental; it’s the little things that upset you most and make you overreact. Avoid mixing too much with people and concentrate instead on routine activities you’re able to carry out alone. If you find that your partner's conduct gets on your nerves, avoid talking to them about it, unless you want to get into a needless argument.

Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 New progress

You make progress towards success when you make changes. You find unexpected support amongst those close to you, who are relaxed about a new approach. If you’re spontaneous, you open up completely new prospects for relationships and discover this applies just as much to your attitude towards your health, so take up an unfamiliar activity.