Those that are close to you appreciate the way you show such composure and sensitivity when dealing with complicated issues. Great self-confidence, together with your shrewd and business-like ways can settle any outstanding matters, and consequently, you never hesitate from letting those in influential positions know how capable you are.
Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 AchievementOthers cannot ignore your enthusiasm and vitality. At work, things seem to fall into place, and you accomplish the tasks that you need to, and any projects you start are successful. Your personal life is enjoyable with many satisfying experiences and effortless achievements coming your way, thanks to the positive impression you make on everybody.
Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Risk NothingWhen trying to resolve outstanding issues, you must avoid reacting impulsively, and be prepared to encounter some difficulties. Don’t be disappointed at this apparent block to your progress, but take full responsibility for any mistakes that result, otherwise, you create difficulties for everyone involved.