In your free time, the activities you’re involved in provide you with pleasure and are gratifying experiences. You’re able to put the people you love at ease, and they show their appreciation. As a result, your relationships flourish, especially the most intimate, become more passionate.
Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 ConfidenceSelf-assured, you do as you please with very little interference from others, who instead make the situation pleasant by being exceptionally helpful and easy to approach. With your new-found energy, you're able to accomplish anything you want to. But be sure to consider where you want to be in the future when things may not be as easy as they are now.
Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 IdlenessWhen it comes to anything strenuous, you don't feel in the mood, but much prefer to relax and take things easy. Be careful; this is somewhat problematic and likely to lead to confrontations you need to avoid. Try to find some middle ground without conceding too much. Watch your diet, not only for your weight but to care for your digestive system as well.