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sagittarius Sagittarius
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate November 23 to December 1st Feeling good

You feel satisfied with progress even if others are unwilling to show appreciation for your effort, you’re still ready to provide help when required and the people closest to you offer their support. If you’re looking for a level of commitment, you face few restrictions and perhaps find somebody that’s able to enliven your romantic life permanently.

Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Cool, calm and collected

Feeling fantastic, you’re in good shape and are self-assured. You make plenty of headway implementing your new ideas. In your personal life, you continue to thrive, utilize this to explore new possibilities and widen your horizons. The self-confidence you possess is strengthened, and as a result, the sense of achievement and satisfaction you feel is prolonged.

Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Taking advantage

Full of energy, you’re able to deal with important issues. Your clear thinking helps you successfully bring a certain situation to a close. You even resolve issues in your personal life; any concerns are much clearer. Consequently,,you’re able to face up to any difficulties you’ve avoided and now receive a positive response to the way you handle everything.