You contribute to the well-being of others in a very focused and uplifting way, applying your knowledge and talent effectively you’re seen as a good conversationalist and discerning advisor. Those closest to you appreciate your ability to show concern for them and your relationships thrive, greatly benefiting from the devoted way you conduct yourself.
Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Valued facilitatorYou take on the most problematic tasks with consummate ease. Admired and appreciated for your abilities as a team leader, or someone who optimistically spurs others into action, and provides the correct amount of stimulus for them to actively harness their dreams. In your personal life, your alert mind helps to resolve a problem you thought intractable.
Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Convivial atmosphereAllow events to unfold in such a way as to leave you plenty of time to concentrate on really important issues and deal with any pressing new developments. The welcoming atmosphere that prevails makes you feel rejuvenated. Openings arise for you to enhance personal relationships and enjoy some special shared moment’s that put a smile on your face.