You summon up a fresh perspective in order to bring together all your contrasting interests. Whether it's to do with your working environment, family, closest friends or love relationship interest - you accommodate them clearly, in measured ways. Don’t neglect your own needs, relax a little and take time for yourself and the care of your body by eating correctly.
Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Setting courseRelying on an especially clear mind for your decision making, enables you to focus your full attention on important choices and concentrate on any tough problems you face. Fortunately, the chances are that you find practical solutions. Focus on personal issues, inform the people you trust the most of your plans, and receive invaluable advice they offer.
Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Good progressYou find work related issues easy to handle and using your alert and active mind you apply fresh impetus to projects that require concentrated team effort. You encounter very few obstacles in your personal life, whatever you choose to focus your attention on others are enthused by your innovative approach and appreciate the concerted effort you make.