You apply yourself to a subject that has stimulated your interest over a sustained period. It’s easier for you to obtain the necessary focus you need and you’re more motivated than you have ever been before. Use this new-found enthusiasm and concentrate on making contacts to solve any outstanding issues needed for a successful outcome.
Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Create freedomMost things you’re involved in turn out well, any difficulties you do encounter are insignificant. Don't take on too much, instead put a stop to any frustrating concerns that have remained for too long. Free yourself from projects or tasks which deep down you no longer feel committed to. Remain flexible in case you encounter any problems on route.
Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Deepen relationshipsAn opportunity exists to make new friends or strengthen existing relationships, your good mood helps create a pleasant, memorable experience for everyone you encounter. You get on wonderfully well with your partner, your happiness and understanding leads you to appreciate each other even more, opening possibilities that deepen the love between you.