Imaginative thoughts race through your mind, and you’ can easily convey clearly, newly formulated ideas to other people. Family, friends or your partner can be of support as discussions or specific suggestions you receive turn out well and prove to be worthwhile.
Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Enjoyable conversationsYour relations with others run smoothly, your relaxed manner when approaching and talking to people is appreciated and brings admirers. Take full advantage, prolong existing business or personal talks. Everyone benefits from your good mood, making any discussions a worthwhile and enjoyable experience.
Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Easier in all respectsEverything seems easier than usual at work as well as in your personal life, discussions tend to satisfy everyone involved. You effortlessly carry out any task required of you and feel in great shape; you perform better in all respects. Enjoy yourself, seldom are you so well placed to take advantage of such beneficial conditions.