Whatever you do, you do it in a relaxed way, enjoying every minute and it doesn't seem like work at all! Other people want to be around you to share in your enthusiasm; you're fun to be with and help them forget everyday worries with your easy-going attitude. You also find their company pleasant and enjoyable too, because they make you feel special.
Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Self-confidenceYour self-confident manner pays off, and you’re seen as a leading light - you successfully put ideas into practice and display a particularly good attitude when it comes to accommodating the wishes of others. Such a frank approach is sometimes a bit too much but breathes new life into relationships as others discover new aspects of your personality.
Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Pleasant feelingsYou feel totally at ease and in control of your emotions, an attitude that others readily approve of. By confronting personal problems openly, you resolve outstanding issues agreeably. You easily make new acquaintances and keep in touch with existing friends which ultimately deepens, strengthens and enriches the relationships you’ve built with them.