Others cannot ignore your enthusiasm and vitality. At work, things seem to fall into place, and you accomplish the tasks that you need to, and any projects you start are successful. Your personal life is enjoyable with many satisfying experiences and effortless achievements coming your way, thanks to the positive impression you make on everybody.
Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Talk to othersRelaxed and talkative, you turn your attention to improving your relationships. It’s easy to reduce any tensions previously built up between you with a quiet, heartfelt conversation that reassures the people concerned, they understand the considerable pressure you’ve been under, and as a result, your feelings deepen and become more gratifying and fun.
Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Light-heartednessIn the right frame of mind, there is a good reason to remain totally at ease and celebrate the way you’re feeling towards others. The understanding you share with colleagues and loved ones is rewarding. Don't let yourself get too carried away, think of this as a gift and show your gratitude by making sure you reciprocate the kindness of those around you.