Sometimes you have to deal with failure, be brave and view setbacks as opportunities for improvement. You often emerge stronger from the gloom. If you speak out of turn, by all means, stick to your opinion, but listen to what those around you say. Difficult conditions manifest themselves physically, take the time you need for more peace and quiet.
Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Unsettled times aheadYou seem to be facing insurmountable problems. Don't despair, change your approach and the solution quickly becomes clear. Don't be afraid to ask for advice. Your personal life is rather erratic, with unexpected twists and turns needing to be dealt with calmly. Relax more, take a break from responsibilities, enjoy some 'me' time or a relaxing soak in the bath.
Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 DissatisfactionNothing seems to be going quite as well as you expect, if you change your approach, you find approval more readily available and the opinions of others helpful. In your personal life, you’re confronted by all kinds of difficulties and need to be clear about where you stand in the circumstances. Think about your lifestyle too, don't be too tough on yourself.